
LIVTOUS (Product Code – LIV005)


Vitiated Dosha

Aushadh Dravya Pacifying Dosha

Panchbhautik Composition

Of Aushadh Dravya

Rasa Of Aushadh Dravya



Anantmool, Shymlata, Harad, Amla

Prithvi + Jala + Vayu + Aakash

 Madhur + Tikta + Kashya



Anantmool, Shymalata,

Amla, Harad

Prithvi + Jala+ Vayu + Aakash

Madhur+ Tikta + Kashya

Loss Of Appetite


Pippali, Kachoor

Vayu + Agni


Immunity Booster

Vata, Pitta, Kapha

Amla, Harad

All Mahabhuta

Panch Rasa



Jaundice is due to vitiation of Pitta dosha with a dominance of Teja Mahabhuta  as a result of which srotoavrodha occurs, abnormal toxic dravya which are parthiwa in nature accumulate and creates blockage, secretion of Pitta is hampered so liver becomes enlarge,resulting into constipation and loss of appetite

Livtous have Aushadh Dravya rich in madhur, tikta and kashya rasa which are made up of Vayu, Aakash and Jala Mahabhuta, it normalizes the Teja Mahabhuta

katu rasa of Pippali and Kachor is helpful which are Vayu and Agni Mahabhuta pradhana and normalize the Prithvi Mahabhuta and clear the obstruction.

Harad and Amla has Panch Rasa to clear off the vitiated dosha.

Annatmool is Pitta shamak

Hepatitis is due to aggaravation of Pitta Dosha so there in increase dominance of Teja Mahabhuta since Livtous is mainly Vayu and Aakash Mahabhuta pradhana prepration. It is helpful in calming the excess of Teja Mahabhuta and restore the function of liver to normalcy.

Amla in Livtous restore the elevated digestive enzyme to normal and protect the liver damage due to toxin

Harad in Livtous is purgative and anulomana in nature and the main treatment of Pitta dominant disease is purgation.

Loss Of Appetite is due to liver malfunctioning Livtous with Pungent taste of aushadh dravya like Pippali and Kachor stimulate the digestive fire which helps in digestion and clear out the srotorodha curing Anorexia

Immunity Booster Immunity is impaired due to various factors, Livtous rich in Aushadh Dravya like Amla, Harad and Ananatmool balances all the tridosha and are helpful in maintaining the Agni as well as Ojas, they give adequate quantity of all Mahabhuta so that each and every Dhatu is nourished and produces good quantity of Ojas thereby enhancing Immunity

Livtous is useful during preganancy because it contain mainly madhura and tikta rasa pradhan aushad Dravya which are tridoshamaka ,katu rasa of Pippali dravya increase the digestive fire so helpful in Anorexia ,Loss Of Apetite during preganacy ,so whole prepration is helpful and effective to normalize the liver function during preganancy.

UTO Supreme plus (Product Code - USP009)

Leucorrhoea caused by aggravation or vitiation of Kapha dosha. The abnormal properties of Jala Mahabhuta is increased (liquid is the property of aap mahabhuta), there is also aggravation of Pitta Dosha in leucorrhea due to which female becomes emaciated.

So Aushadh Dravya having Prithvi, Vayu, Aakash Mahabhuta pradhana is useful and effective in leucorrhea which are having kashya rasa manily likes Dhatpushpi ,Arjuna ,Ashoka,Lodhra and Kalinga.

Irregular Menstruation /Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding/Dysmenorrhoea  In Dysmenrrhoea and Irregular Menstruation ,there is aggaravation of Teja and Vayu Mahabhuta,the vitiation of Pitta and Vayu Dosha occurs,the apana vayu maintain the natural flow of aartva .when the imbalance occurs,disturbance in menstruation occurs ,the causative factor is excessive consumption of diet with Teja Mahabhuta , Uto Supreme Plus is rich in Aushadh Dravya( Yasthimadhu, Bahusuta ,Sweta musli, Putrajeev and Ashwagandha) having Prithvi ,Jala Mahabhuta pradhana is effective in curing Irregular Menstruation /Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding /Dysmenorrhoea

Prementrual syndrome is due to imbalance of all three dosha and symptoms are according to dosha involves so Uto Supreme Plus have Aushadh Dravya (Purnanava ) which is Tridoshamak

Polycystic ovarian syndrome is is vata type disorder (apana vayu vikriti) and is caused by consumption of excessive sweet and Kapha vardhak aahara  and mandagni because Kapha is aggravated in PCOS ,So in PCOS there is shithirtava guna of Kapha and there is aggravation of Aap and Prithvi Mahabhuta .The properties of Teja and Vayu Mahabhuta is shadowed by Prithvi and Aap Mahabhuta, so Aushadh Dravya having katu ,tikta kashya rasa is helpful ,which have Vayu ,Agni and Aaksha Mahabhuta pradhana

Pre and Post Menopause During menopause, woman shift from Pitta dominant phase to Vata dominnat phase .So Symptoms of Vata aggaravtion occurs in females like dryness and diminish of Pitta dosha so Aushadh Dravya having katu rasa and madhura rasa pradhan is useful in menopause because aggaravation of Vayu and Aakash Mahabhuta occurs and to balance the Vayu and Aakash Mahabhuta,dravya having Prithvi ,Aap and Agni mahabhuta pradhana is effective. Like Ashwagandha, Ushan, Kalajeera, Purnanava, Yashtimadhu ,Bahusuta ,Shweta musli and Putrajeev .

 Infertility is due to aggaravation of Kapha dosha, causative factor is virudhahara ,which results in increase in the Kapha dosha which increase the Prithvi and Jala Mahabhuta ,so properties of shirtva  guna is increased and there is obstruction of Vayu( Vata is responsible for the movement of the follicle during the ovarian cycle.and vitiated Kapha blocks the Pitta and Vayu ) so the movements of egg is restricted which causes infertility

Uto Supreme Plus  have Aushadh Dravya( Kala jeera ,Ushan and Ulatkambal ) which have Vayu,Aakash,Teja Mahabhuta pradhan is very effective as Teja mahabhuta dissolve the Prithvi and Jala Mahabhuta ,It makes passage clear so movements of Vayu is restored ,eggs are formed and properly moved from ovaries to uterus for fertilization

Rhuto oil


Vitiated Dosha

Aushadh Dravya Pacifying Dosha







Vanda roxburgi

Facum Arthex

Rheumatic arthritis

Kapha, vata

Vitex nirgundo, Ansyclus pyrenthrum


Olium sisamum,

Ocymum album,



Celastrus paniculatus,

Allium sativum,

Curcuma longa,

Curcuma aromaticum,

Zingiber officinale

Gout(Vata rakta)

Pitta, Vata

Vanda roxburgi,Spikenard,

Amygdalus comminus,

Curcuma longa, Curcuma aromaticum,

Myrica sopida


Sports injury


 Myrica sopida,



Amydalus comminus

Backache /Myalgia/Sciatica/Neuralgia


Vitex nirgundo, Ansyclus pyrenthrum

Gloriosa superia,

Olium sisamum,

Ocymum album,

Camphora ,


Celastrus paniculatus,

Allium sativum,

Curcuma longa,

Curcuma aromaticum,

Zingiber officinale

Frozen shoulder










Zingi officinale,

Curcuma longa,

Curcuma aromaticum,

Allium sativum,

Facum aethex,

Vitex nirgundo,

Ansyclus pyrenthum,

Gloriosa superia,

Olium sisamum




Myrica sopida,

Vanda roxburgi,





Osteoarthritis is a disease with asthi dhatu kashya, is similar to sandhigata vata and is more severe in Vata prakriti individual.

In OA, asthikshya is the key samprapti .The flexion and extension movement are largely affected due to Vata prakopa The Prithvi Mahabhuta related srabhav of asthi is gradually undergoing kshya in OA which is Radiologically seen as asthisaraheenta ,It is Vata dominant disease with Asthi being the main Dushya .Aushadh Dravya which bring the kharatva ,soshatwa and snightwa together In asthi will increase asthi sara thus tikta rasa dravya are prepared in sneha kalpna and dravya which are madhur and tikta in rasa are helpful to balance the Vata Dosha and also increase the sarabhava of asthi back

Aushadh Dravya in Rhuto oil like Spikenard, Camphora, Amygdalus communis,Vanda  roxburgi  are significantly beneficial

Rheumatic arthritis In this properties of Prithvi and Aap Mahabhuta are unusually increased, digestive fire loses its potency, ama is increased in body and nature of ama is similar nature of kapha dosha, so treatment of aamvata is also according to kapha dosha .

The Aushadh dravya in Rhuto oil(Vitex nirgundo , Ansyclus pyrethrum , Gloriosa superia, Olium sisamum ,Ocymum album ,Camphora ,Spikenard ,Celatrus panicultus ,Allium sativum ,Curcuma longa, Curcuma aromaticum and Zingiber offinale) having bitter and pungent in taste are Kapha shamak and composed of Vayu ,Agni and Aakash Mahabhuta ,the properties of these dravya are opposite to Prithvi and Aap Mahabhuta  and they help to digest the aam due to its dry property

Gout is also known as vata rakta ,occurs in joint in form of crystal due to increase ghantava guna of Prithvi Mahabhuta,causative factors are increase consumption of Kapha vardhak ahar which obstruct the channels due to which vitiation of Vata and Pitta Dosha occurs

Hence Aushadh dravya in Rhuto oil (Vanda roxburgi,Spikenard, Amygdalus comminus, Curcuma longa, Curcuma aromaticum Myrica sopida)  having katu ,tikta rasa composed of vayu ,aakash and teja mahabhuta is helpful to pacify the prithivi and aap mahabhuta .

Sports Injury /Sprain occurs when there is wear and tear in ligaments (kandra)& muscles(peshi),sprain is vataja vikaar where there is rigidity ,severe pain ,spasm in affected snayu or kandra .it has origin of raktadhatu and sneha,with Prithvi Mahabhuta, therefore any factor affecting raktadhatu ,Vata dosha and Prithvi Mahabhuta creates Sprain

 In ayurveda ,kandra has origin of raktadhatu and sneha .kandra are predominance of Prithvi Mahabhuta any factor affecting raktadhatu ,Vata dosha and Prithvi Mahabhuta creates Sprain

hence nourishment of kandra with Aushadh Dravyain Rhuto oil( Myrica sopida,Spikenard,Camphora Amygdalus communis.) having Prithvi Mahabhuta dominant and rakta prasadan and with madhura ,and kashya rasa are helpful,tikta rasa has blood purifying properties and helpful in rakta disorder too

Backache /Myalgia/ Lumbago /Sciatica /Neuralgia occurs due to viatition of Vata and Kapha dosha,due to increase properties of Prithvi Mahabhuta ,the normal movement of vayu is obstructed which creates stiffness ,pain and rigidity,so to normalize the excess Kapha Dosha ,Aushadh Dravya having katu and tikta rasa which are composed of Vayu ,Aakash and Teja Mahabhuta are helpful,the properties of these Mahabhuta are opposite to Prithivi Mahabhuta and clear the channels and make the movement of Vayu normal.

Frozen Shoulder comes under upadhatu pradoshaja vyadhi involving the mamsa and kandra related with ansa sandhi ,where Vata & Kapha Dosha together lead to stambhata in joints ,In this sheeta guna and ruksna guna together lead to sandhi stambdatha,causative factor are Increase in shithiratva guna of  Prithvi Mahabhuta .So Aushadh Dravya  in Rhuto oil(Zingi officinale,Curcuma longa,Curcuma aromaticum,Allium sativum,Facum aethex,Vitex nirgundo,Ansyclus pyrenthum,Gloriosa superia,Olium sisamum )having Teja Mahabhuta decrease the shithiratava guna of Prithvi Mahabhuta and releieve the symptoms .Drvaya having katu rasa is useful which are composed of Vayu and Agni mahabhuta and dissolve the excess Prithvi and Aap Mahabhuta .

Spondylitis is basically a Vata disorder affecting the joints, dhatukshaya is the key samprapti, there is inflammation of joints so vitiation of Pitta is also involved,so Aushadh Dravya in Rhuto oil (Myrica sopida,Vanda roxburgi, Spikenard, Camphora) having madhura and tikta rasa which are composed of Prithvi ,Jala and Vayu and Aakash Mahabhuta dominant is helpful in Spondylitis


Aciflex Syrup (Product Code – ACI001)


Vitiated Dosha

Aushadh Dravya Pacifying Dosha

Panchbhautik Composition Of Aushadh Dravya

Rasa of herb

Relieve abdominal pain

Vata pitta


Safed chandan



Kamal ke phool


Prithvi + Jala





Safed chandan



Kamal ke phool

Prithvu + Jala + Vayu +

Madhura + Tikta + Kashya

Protect from ulcer





Safed chandan



Prithvi+ Jala+ Vayu

Madhura+ Kashya


Hyperacidity /gastritis is known as Amlapitta and is due to aggravation of pitta causative factor are excessive intake of pungent and sour item ,salt ,hot food ,anger ,irregular meals. There is excessive aggaravation  of teja mahabhuta .so Aushadh Dravya in Aciflex Syrup( Anantmool Safed chandan ,Mulethi ,Khus ,Kamal ka phool) having Prithvi and Aap Mahabhuta pradhan having madhura and kashya rasa are helpful which help in repairing of stomach wall as well as  pacifying the Teja Mahabhuta ..

Dyspepsia is the term  used to describe discomfort in upper abdomen, resulting in vitiation of tridosha, causative factors are excessive eating, irregular and faulty diet this all creates excess of Kapha or aama (Excess of Prthvi and Aap Mahabhuta) which causes agnimandya. so Aushadh Dravya in Aciflex Syrup (Amla, Choti Ilaychi , Nagarmotha) having katu ,tikta rasa which are having properties of Vayu and Agni Mahabhuta digest the excess of aama ( Prithvi and Aap Mahabhuta) and balance the Kapha.

Peptic Ulcer Disease formed due to excess of Teja (Agni) Mahabhuta which digest the all body elements, decrease the Aap Mahabhuta, due to which fire the protective layer of stomach and creates ulcers,so to prevent ulcer, Aushadh Draya in Aciflex Syrup (Anantmool and Safed chandan) are utilized They are predominat in Prithi, Jala, Vayu and Aakash mahabhuta and  have  madhura ,tikta and kashya rasa as  pradhan  andis helpful to recreates the protective layer of stomach and prevents from ulceration and also heal the ulcers .


GERD occurs mainly due to excessive consumption of sour and pungent food  resulting in aggravation of Pitta dosha & properties of Teja Mahabhuta which irritates the valve and regurgitate of stomach contents back into the  oesophagus ,so to balance the excees of Teja Mahabhuta ,Aushadh Dravya in Aciflex Syrup (Annatmool ,Safed chandan ,Mulethi ,Khus Kamal ka phool) having madhura and tikta rasa having properties of Prithvi ,Aap ,Vayu and Aaksah Mahabhuta are helpful ,these dravya increase  the stickness of Kapha and decrease the ushanata of Pitta

Femme Wash (Product Code – FME004)


Vitiated Dosha

Aushadh Dravya Pacifying Dosha

Panchbhautik Composition Of Aushadh Dravya

Rasa Of Aushadh Dravya








Prithvi + Vayu











Prithvi + Vayu




Ghrit kumari,










Katu + Kashya

Maintain ph

Kapha Pitta

Ghrit kumari,


Prithvi + Agni+ Vayu

Katu + kashya

Vaginal atrophy


Vata pitta

Neem, Lodhra,



Vayu + Aakash

Kashya+ Tikta

Urinary Tract Infection







Prithvi + Vayu



Vaginitis is the inflammatory disease of vagina due to Pitta dosha. Symptoms include unsual vaginal discharge, itching .Causative factors are intake of Pitta pradhan diet which increase the Pitta Dosha and aggravate the Teja(Agni) Mahabhuta ,the aggravated Teja Mahabhuta leads to increase in ushanata in rakta dhatu,the body in order to combat excess heat increase the liquidity in blood resulting to unsual vaginal discharge

Aushadh Dravya in Femme wash (Neem, Harad, Baheda, Lodhra, Marigold) which is made up of Prithvi and Vayu Mahabhuta having Kashya (astringent) rasa decrease the excess of Teja and Aap Mahabhuta and help in maintaing the holing capacity

Cervicitis is the inflammatory disease of cervix having symptoms like discharge, itching, rashes and pain it is also due to consumption of Pitta pradhan aahar dravya which aggravate the Teja Mahabhuta, that increase the liquidilty in blood thereby increasing the aap guna so Aushadh Dravya in Femme wash (Neem, Harad, Baheda, Lodhra, Marigold) having Prithvi, Vayu and Aakash Mahabhuta pradhan is useful to control excessive discharge and to pacify the Pitta..

Leucorrhoea is due to excessive consumption of Pitta pradhan aahar which increase the  Sara guna of Pitta ,so to pacify the Pitta Dosha, Aushad Dravya in Femme wash(Neem,Harad, Baheda,Lodhra Ghrit kumari ,Marigold) having  tikta ,kashya rasa pradhan is useful .kashya rasa( Prithvi and Vayu Mahabhuta pradhana)increase the holding capacity and decrease the liquidity and sara guna of Pitta Dosha in short tikta and kashya rasa have all Mahabhuta essentials to control liquidity

Vaginal atrophy is the inflammation of vagina due to thining and shrinking of the tissue as well as lack of lubrication,there is decrease in the properties of Aap(Jal) Mahabhuta and increase in Teja(Agni) Mahabhuta ,Teja mahabhuta absorb the Aap Mahabhuta so dravya guna of aap is reduced due to excess ushanata of Teja Mahabhuta which increase dryness in the area and vitiate the Vata ,so to pacify the pitta rasa( Prithvi ,Vayu an Aakash Mahabhuta) Ghrit kumari (having katu rasa but tikta vipaka and snigdha and pichchil guna) is helpful in increasing lubrication and removing dryness in vagina.

Urinary tract infection

 Urinary tract infection occurs due to excess consumption of Pitta vardhak aahara which cause inflammation of area and cause redness, itching, pain and uncontrolled micturation so dravya having Pitta shamak in nature is helpful to pacify the Pitta Dosha .Aushadh dravya (Neem, Lodhra, Marigold, Harad,Baheda) having tikta and kashya rasa is useful  to pacify the Pitta and increase the holding capacity .

Post operative vaginal infection

After surgical procedure ,there is increase blood flow to that area which increase the ushanatava and saratav guna of Pitta Dosha,in order to decrease the ushanatav and saratva guna of Pitta, Aushadh dravya (having tikta and kashya rasa composed of Prithvi ,Jala,Vayu and Aakash Mahabhuta dominant are helpful ,these herbs quickly dried up the wound and helps in healing and decrease oozing and redness  of the wound .

Ph Balance

Normal pH of vagina is acidic  in nature which prevent the growth of  infections ,due to kapha vardhak aahar,and various unhygienic conditions, ph of vagina is disturbed as a result of bacterial fungal infections which creates bad odor and discharges this leads to decreased pitta which increase ph ,there is a pre dominance of Aap Mahabhuta, Aushadh Dravya (Aloe vera) Agni Mahabhuta pradhan having katu rasa , dissolves Aap Mahabhuta help to maintain ph by increasing pitta ,it also help to fight against infection Moreover due to snigdha property,it prevents dryness and itchiness,providing optimal lubrication also Aushadh Dravya( lodhra )having kashya rasa help to maintain Aap Mahabhuta balancing appropriate pH of vagina

Bloodwin Syrup (Blood Purifier & Luxative )



Vitiated Dosha

Aushadh Dravya Pacifying Dosha

Panchbhautik Composition Of Aushadh Dravya

Rasa Of Aushadh Dravya

Acne, Pimples


Similex glova,

Cascumis calocynthis,

Swertia chirata,Croci stigmata


Vayu + Aakash + Agni

Tikta ,Katu

Skin infection, Rashes


Seena ,Smilex glova,Cascumis calocynthis,

,Cassia fistula,Swertia chirata,Clove,Croci stigmata

Vayu + Aakash + Prithvi + Jala

Madhura, Tikta

Eczema,Eruption,Pruritis Seborrhic dermatitis

Kapha Pitta

Similex glova,Cascumis calocynthis,

Swertia chirata

Vayu + Aakash



Acne,Pimples are skin condition, that occurs when hair follicles plug with oil and dead skin cells,its causative factor is virudhahara Due to which there is increase in ghantava guna of Prithvi Mahabhuta  and therefore Prithvi and Jala Mahabhuta get vitiated .Kapha dosha is also vitiated which obstruct the normal movement of Vayu .Hence both Kapha and Vata dosha are vitiated,so to normalize the Prithvi and Jala Mahabhuta ,the Aushadh Dravya (Croci stigmata, Swertia chirata, Cloves , Smilex glova, Cinnamon cartex) having  Teja ,Vayu and Aakash Mahabhuta dominant help in digestion of atirikt  guna of Prithvi and Jala Mahabhuta and normalize the Agni and Vayu.

Skin infection & rashes In both the case there is predominance of Teja(Agni) Mahabhuta, so Pitta dosha is vitiated.So Aushadh Dravya( Cassia fistula, Cinnamon cartex , Smilex glova ,Calocynthis , Clove , Croci stigmata, and Senna) having madhur ,tikta and kashya rasa are pittashamak Specially dravyas having tikta rasa in which Vayu and Aaksah  Mahabhuta is dominant is highly effective to normalize the excees of Teja Mahabhuta and normalize the Pitta

Eczema, Eruption, Pruritis, Seborrhic dermatitis and Pyoderma

Eczema is a term for superficial skin infllammatory process involving the epidermis primarly markes by redness, itching, minute papules and vesicles, oozing and crusting.

 Pyoderma is skin infection with formation of pus.

Seborrhic dermatitis is a skin condition that causes patches and red skin mainly In scalp

In all these SKIN DISEASE, Properties of Prithvi and Aap (jal) Mahabhuta become abnormal,the digestive fire is oppressed resulting into indigestion, the undigested aahar rasa circulate in the body,It initiate the process of putrefaction in the region of Mahabhuta.The undigested aahara rasa with properties of Prithvi Mahabhuta accumulate in that region and thick and rough ovular patches is produces, sometimes oozing  also appear with lots of Pruritis, The Aushadh Dravya (Similex glova, Cascumis calocynthis, Swertia chirata) having Teja , Vayu and Aakash Mahabhuta predominance is useful to balance the Prithvi and Aap Mahabhuta .

Bloodwin being a blood purifier has Luxative properties dominant in it

Constipation/gastro intestinal induced constipation is a condition in which stools become difficult to pass .According to ayurveda when Vata qualities of Coldness and Dryness increase ,they disturb the colon and make its functioning difficult ,so Aushadh Dravya ( Senna,Cassia fistula and Cinnamon cartex) combat the Vata, Cold and Dry qualities are helpful in supporting the normal bowel movements They have madhura and katu rasa properties (Prithvi Aap and Agni Mahabhuta ) Which decrease the cold and dry qualities of Vata and normalize the bowel movements.Senna is sukhvirechaka in prabhava and acts as a purgative and is pitta shodaka and vata anulomaka.

Piles /Bleeding Piles :Piles is a bunch of veins which surround the external opening, due to over straining these veins start to protrude out of their normal place ,this condition becomes a disease called piles .due to hard stool rubbing on the veins ,veins start to bleed ,the condition is called as bleeding piles,in dry Piles there is aggaravation of Vata dosha and Vayu Mahabhuta so Aushadh Dravya( Senna, Cassia fistula) have madhura rasa are helpful to control the excess of Vata Mahabhuta .

In case of Bleeding Piles,there is aggravation of Pitta along with Vata due to excess constipation of pungent Aushadh Dravya (Cassia fistula,Senna,Smilex glova,Swertia chirata,Calocynthis )which are Prithvi,Vayu Mahabhuta prabhana. have madhura ,tikta and kashya rasa balance the Pitta dosha and pacifying the Teja Mahabhuta

Irritable Bowl Syndrome (IBS) is a functional disorder of small intestine characterisedby abdominal pain and altered bowel movements (hard & loose stools).In ayurveda similar condition is called Grahini (Imbalance of function of Grahini duodenum’) ang Grahini Roga occurs,causative factors are VIRUDHAHARA which increase production of aama,decreasing digestive fire ,resulting into hard & loose stools,so Intestines fail to function. Aushadh Dravya (Clove,Crocistigmata Senna,Similex glova,Swertia chirata)which have property of Vayu,Aakash and Agni M ahabhuta have tikta and katu rasa, digest aama rasa and pacifies Kapha Dosha

Loss Of Appetite occurs due to increase property of Aap and Prithvi Mahabhuta and decrease in Teja Mahabhuta so Aushadh Dravya(Clove,Crocistigmata, Senna, Cinamom cartex)which are Teja and Vayu Mahabhuta pradhan having Katu ras are helpful

Pre Operative Evacuation/Post Operative Stool Softner For making evacuation easier & for making stool soft ,the Aushadh Dravya  (Senna,Cassia fistula ,Cinnamon cartex ,Cloves ,Crocistigmata) having qualities  opposite to cold and dry qualities of Vata are helpful which are made up of Teja and Aap Mahabhuta,having madhura and katu  rasa and katu rasa are helpful

Rheumato Oil:


Vitiated Dosha

Aushadh Dravya Pacifying Dosha

Panchbhauthik Composition Of Aushadh Dravya

Rasa Of Aushadh Dravya

Musculoskeleton Disorder

Pitta, Vata

 Myrica negi,Glycyrrhiza glabra,Aconitum

Asparagus racemosus,

Emblica officinalis,

Anethum fructus,

Borneo camphora,

Nigella sativa



Prithvi + Vayu + Aakash

Tikta + Madhura

Orthopaedic Pain



Celastrus paniculatus,

Piper longum,

Corui fructus,

Psoraleae semina,

Operculina tuperthum,

Anethum fructus,

Vitex nirgundo

Agni + Vayu




Myrica nagi,

Piper longum,

Nigella sativa,

Corui fructus,

Vitex nirgundo,

Borneo camphora,

Celastrus paniculatus

Agni + Vayu


Muscle Stiffness


Celastrus paniculatus,

Piper longum,

Corui fructus,

Psoralea semina,

Operculina turpenthum,

Anethum fructus,

Vitex nirgundo

Agni + Vayu



Muculoskeleton disorders (Sprain,Bursitis,Tendonitis,Sports injury)are disorder of Muscles (Peshi) and Ligaments (Kandra )

 Ligaments (Kandra ) has origin of raktadhatu and sneha ,It has predominance of Prithvi Mahabhuta ,any factor affecting raktadhatu ,Vata dosha and Prithvi mahabhuta creates sprain and musculoskeleton disorder Hence nourishment of kandra with Prithvi Mahabhuta dominant dravya and rakta prasadan was the main treatment

So Aushadh Dravya (Myrica negi, Glyccrrhiza  glabra, Aconitum and Asparagus racemosa,Emblica officinalis) having madhura ,and kashya rasa are helpful nourish the kandra & peshi ,Tikta rasa Aushadh like (Anethum fructus,Borneo camphora,Nigell sativa) has blood purifying properties and are Pitta shamaka too

 Orthopedic Pain occurs when there is viatiation of Vayu , due to improper diet and life style ,the digested agni are low ,formation of ama occurs which obstruct the passage and restrict the movement of Vayu ,so there is acculumtaion of Prithvi and Aap Mahabhuta which makes the movement of joint difficult and immobilize the joints

Aushadh Dravya like (Celastrus paniculatus, Piper longum, Myrica Nagi, Operculina turpenthum, Anethum  fructus,vitex nirgundo) in Rheumato oil have katu rasa composed of Vayu and Agni ,dissolve the exceesive Prithvi and Aap Mahabhuta it clear the passage and diisolve the ama ,so movement of Vayu becomes normal and pain subsides

Arthalgia disease occurs due to vitiation of Vata and Kapha dosha with increase in properties of Prithvi Mahabhuta ,the normal movement of vayu is obstructed which creates stiffness ,pain and rigidity ,so to normalize the excess Kapha Dosha , Aushadh Dravya (Myrica nagi, Piper longum, Nigella sativa,Corui fructus,Vitex nirgundo, Borneo camphora, Celastrus paniculatus) composed of Vayu ,Aakash and Teja Mahabhuta having katu and tikta rasa are helpful ,the properties are opposite to Prithivi  Mahabhuta which clear the channels and make the movement of vayu normal.

Muscle Stiffness is pathology  where Vata & Kapha Dosha together lead to stambhata in joints ,(sheeta guna and ruksna guna together lead to sandhi stambdatha and Increase in shithiratva guna of  Prithvi Mahabhuta which lead to frozen shoulder )so Aushadh  Dravya (Celastrus paniculatus, Piper longum, Corui fructus, Psoralea semina, Operculina turpenthum, Anethum fructus, Vitex nirgundo) are Teja Mahabhuta pradhan,have Katu rasa(composed of Vayu and Agni Mahabhuta) dissolve the excess Prtthvi and Aap mahabhuta and decrease the shithiratava guna of Prithvi Mahabhuta and releieve the symptoms


Rhucough syrup (Product Code- RCH007)



Vitiated Dosha

Aushadh Dravya Pacifying Dosha

Panchbhautik Composition Of Aushadh Dravya

Rasa Of Aushadh Dravya


Vata, Kapha


Badi illaychi



Vayu+ Agni + Aakash

Katu + Tikta



Phryngitis, Laryngitis

Kapha, Pitta


 Badi illaychi





Vayu + Aakash+ Prthivi + Jala

Madhura +Tikta


Acute /chronic Bronchitis

Kapha, Pitta





Vayu+ Agni + Aakash


Antibiotic Resistance Respiratory Infection




Prithvi + Jala



COUGH OF VARIED TYPE Are due to exposure of dust, extreme cold or heat, indigestion of food  ,suppression of natural urges, seasonal disturbance & other causative factors These factors aggravates the Vata dosha ,which simultaneously  aggaravates the Kapha since lungs are the main site of Kapha so accumulation of kapha occurs in lungs which obstructs the natural flow of Vayu & decrease the space of Aakash Mahabhuta in the lungs.The space is filled by the accumulated kapha (Prithvi and Aap Mahabhuta dominant )so the Aushadh Dravya which dominant in Agni ,Vayu and Aakash Mahabhuta are very effective in treatment of Kapha. According to panchbhut concept , all dravya which are katu ,tikta rasa pradhana and opposite to Prithvi and Aap Mahabhuta come under this category

The prepration of Rhucough syrup digest the abnormal Kapha and clear the movements of Vayu, It maintain the space of Aakash Mahabhuta, since the cough is Vata pradhana disorder and kapha anubandha,  Mulethi and Khajur (Prithvi and Aap Mahabhuta pradhana) in Rhucough have madhur rasa so prithvi guna dissolves in aap mahabhuta and also help lungs to bear the tension due to kapha and help the patients to bear the weakness due to cough. Mulethi being sleshmhaar dravya  liquefies the mucus, helps to lossen the congestion in the lungs by reducing the thickness of mucus with the restoration of Vayu  andenable to expel out the mucus,  The aap guna with Teja guna (Tejapatra, Badi illaychi, Pippal, Chitrak) acts on the kapha on the chest and  helps others drugs to blend easly with kapha and thus helps in digestion of kapha withincrease in liquidity of kapha so that it is  easily expeled out from lungs.

The Aushadh Dravya in Rhucough syrup, all are Vata & Kapha shamaka.So the prepration is very effective to pacify Vayu and Kapha doshas

Pharygitis /laryngitis Pharygitis is the inflammation of pharynx casuing sore throat  laryngitis  is the inflamation of vocal cord causes hoarsiness of voice ,sore throat and difficulty in swallowing.Pharynx and Larynx   is the the site of kapha dosha and working site of udaan vayu . due to improper food habit and life style imbalance of dosha occurs .kapha dosha is increased which obstruct the normal passage of vata dosha ,there is increase in properties of Prithvi and Aap Mahabhuta so to balance the dosha ,Aushadh Dravya (Tejapatra,Badi illaychi ,Pippali and Chitrak )having Teja ,Vayu and Aakash Mahabhuta dominant is helpful due to madhura rasa andAushadh Dravya( Mulethi and Khajura )having Prithvi and Aap mahabhuta domianant gives soothing effect in sore throat and heal the inflammation.

Acute or Chronic Bronchitis/Respiratory Tract Infection

Bronchitis is the inflammation of the lining of bronchial tubes which carry air to and fro from the lungs, the mucus membrane in the bronchial passage becomes inflamed, as the irritataed membrane swells and grows thicker, it narrow the airways In the lungs,resulting in cough that is accompanied by phlegm and breathlessness.

Ura is the site of kapha dosha, Prana and Udana Vayu also works in the area of Ura(lungs) and Transport of blood continuously occurs through the lungs for purification

 So,In Ura ,the Vata ,Pitta and Kapha doshas (Trodosha)are working together for normal functioning of lungs(ura) and make respiration normal .when due to seasonal disturbances ,due to dietary habits ,the vata is aggravated which effects the prana and udana vayu .the movements of prana and udana is disturbed which result in acculmulation of kapha dosha in lungs which again disturb the movements of vayu and vicious cycles continued and result in bronchitis as aresult of whichthe aap guna of kapha is increased  due to which irritation occurs in bronchiole and cough occurs .so Aushadh Dravya (Tejapatra, Badi illaychi ,Pippali and Chitrak) composed of Vayu and Agni Mahabhuta, have katu rasa which absorb excess aap , cough production is reduced and patient is able to breath easily .

Antibiotic Resistance Respiratory Infection has emerged as one of the major health issue now a day

It is a form of drug resistance where by some sub population of a microorganism usually a bacterial species are able to survive after exposure to one or more antibiotic, (pathogen resisitant to multiple antibiotic are considered multi drug resisiatnt).

Ayurveda aid that dosha get aggravated by exogenous and endogenous causes, which further spread in body by using improper food & activities

it vitiates kosthagni which lead to improper digestion of ama and when rasa dhatu circulates the ama and vitiated dosha where the khavagunya occurs ,ama obstruct ,accumulate there and give rise to such disease.

In respiratory disease the main site of accumulation of dosha and ama is Ura Pradesh.

when the disease becomes antibiotic resistance  It means the person immune system is not good and he is not respondingto antibiotic ,so main aim is to restore the immune system and dissolve the ama.

 The Aushadh Dravya having katu rasa composed of Vayu and Agni Mahabhuta dissolve the ama and make the movement of dosha normal.

The dravya having madhura rasa and tikta rasa, have rasaya property that help to restore the immune system and maintain the ojas or bala in individual.

In RhucoughMulethi and Khajura is found to be Immune stimulative.

Mulethi accelerates lyphocytic transformation activation of macrophage and increase the leucocyte count.